nepalimodels-Are you a Man Enough

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tips for The Lover

How to Show Love
Steps1.Be yourself. Don't play roles and don't try to act like the cliché lovers you've seen in movies or shows. Play your own music when it comes to showing love.
2.Use as few words as possible. Let your love shine through your actions and behaviors.
3.Try to be unpredictable.You can make him/her think you're not enthusiastic about something he/she likes, and then surprise him/her by doing something about it at the most unexpected time.
4.Make a small unexpected comment or sentence about your own feelings at an appropriate time that is also emotionally penetrative, especially with a tone showing you're not waiting for a response.
5.Remember what you've said and in fact claimed. Your actions are going to prove or disprove it and he/she is waiting to see whether you keep your word or not.
6.Think and act spontaneously, Do be prepared (like you're reading this), but don't exactly pre-plan anything.
7.Use the circumstances coming up to show your love. When you do it during a normal talk or in normal situations, it won't impress him/her. It will be sort of cliché. So use the situations that come up. When you choose circumstances to show your love, it's like you pick a tool for doing it and believe me:it's a good tool.
8.Show your love to others by showing your love for what they really like or to what interests them. This is another impressive tool. Learn how to use it.
9.Some people recognize or show love in different ways. For example, some people may show their love by kissing and touching, while another person may show love by doing things or just having quality time with the one they love.

  • You'll have to think about your own versions of showing love or you'll fall into the trap of copying existing clichés. The more customized and personal you make it, the more real and effective it becomes. A very important skill to show love is "listening". When you listen, you pick up things that the person you love tells you, such as their likes, their dreams, etc. You can later use this information to surprise them with something special that you can do for them. The ideas can be tailored to your or your recipient's personality(ies).
    WarningsDon't use one sentence or phrase too many times. Don't use them mechanically. Words lose impact with repetition.
    How to Say I Love You
    Although many people use this powerful phrase loosely, there are times when you want to say "I love you" in a meaningful way. Whether you're professing your love to a romantic partner or expressing it to a relative or friend, it can be difficult to convey how much they really mean to you. But by keeping the following suggestions in mind, hopefully your love will not only be understood, but it will also be welcomed and returned.
  • Steps1.Define love The sincerity of the phrase is strengthened by knowing what love is, and what loving someone means to you. Determine the difference between love, infatuation and lust, and make sure it's genuine love that you feel for this person.
  • 2.Make it special. For many people, dropping the "I" allows the sentiment to be expressed casually, such as before separating (e.g. "Time to go. Bye!"). Using the full phrase, however, can be reserved for more intimate moments, especially during a special event, such as when a child is just born, or even to reassure someone when bad news has been received or during moments of cherished silence, like after a kiss.
  • 3.Make eye contact. If you love this person, hopefully you feel comfortable enough to gaze into their eyes when you express your feelings. Making eye contact shows sincerity and communicates trust. Even though there are probably a few inches between your faces, it should feel like there is nothing between yourselves, not even air. The amount you can say "I love you" with your eyes is astonishing.
  • 4.Say it at an appropriate tone. If you're at home and there's not much background noise, keep your volume low; don't whisper unless you bring your lips to their ear, which can also be a very intimate way to express your love. If you want to tell them how you feel in public, it's up to you whether you want to pull the person aside, or say it in front of friends or even strangers. It depends on your loved one's personality, and your own personality. Some will find it terribly romantic to be told they're loved across a room full of people; others may find it mortifying.
  • 5.Smile. It can be nerve-wracking to tell someone that you love him or her, only to wait anxiously for their response--especially if it's the first time either of you have verbally expressed love. The best way to overcome this fear is to not expect the phrase in return. Your intention can be to tell the person how you feel, with the hope of making them happy and showing them that they are valued. Remember that unconditional love means not demanding anything in return. So smile, and perhaps give your loved one a hug. If they love you, too, they'll say it in their own way and in their own time.
    Be creative. Say it in different languages. Write it into a poem or even a haiku. If you want to be romantic, spell it out with rose petals on his or her bedroom floor. Write it in code, like a Vigènere cipher. Say it in little ways, like post-it notes in unexpected places, and express it in every way you can. 6.Love. Don't just say it, do it. Love is not just a feeling; it's an action. Saying it without showing it is, in a way, a lie. Express your love in action as well as in words
  • Holding someone's hand as you tell them you love them can also communicate sincerity and trust, but it can also convey a sense of subterfuge, which at a glance may suffice but will quickly be sniffed out by someone with a careful eye for lies; ergo, do not hold hands if you don't mean it. Love is expressed differently by everyone. Be understanding and look for your partner's ways of expressing it to you; they may not be the same as what you do or what you want them to do, but in turn you may not be doing the things they want and they should look for your way. If your interest is not in the other person, but rather in how that person can enhance your experience of life, then it is not love. If you have no intention of improving that person’s life, or allowing that person to be themselves and accepting them as they are, rather than not who you want them to be, then you are not striving to love them.
  • If love is unrequited, you need to be understanding and be caring towards the feelings of the object of your desire. At least they now know how you feel. It is not good to bottle up your feelings. Saying "I love you" in the heat of passion for the first time might not be a good idea, as the person may question the sincerity of your pledge. Follow them up with actions of kindness. The words "I love you" can lose their meaning in a relationship if not paired with action. And DO NOT say it too much in a day. The one thing people can get annoyed with is hearing I Love You all the time. It can lose its meaning by saying it too much. Some one says I love you and if it makes you think of how much they really do, then thats good and healthy. If its like a casual thing learn to spice it up and/or be patient, maybe back off until your partner says I love you, don't push and don't say I love all the time. If you have just had a fight or disagreement - Don't say But I Love You. That does not make things all better. Discuss the issue calmly. Don't blame your love for someone as the reason you are angry. That makes no sense. Seek help to find out where your insecurities are coming from.
  • १) भोको बसेर चाडै तौल घटाऊने प्रयास गर्नु हुँदैन । यस बाट बिभिन्न बिकृतिहरु उत्पन्न हुन सक्छ । हप्ताको १/२ देखी १ किलो भन्दा बढी तौल घटाऊनु उपयुक्त हुँदैन ।२) उसिनेको खाना मात्र खानु पर्छ भन्ने गलत धारणा राख्नु हुँदैन । स्वादको लागि केही मरमसला प्रयोग गरी खाद्य पदार्थलाई स्वादिष्ट बनाउन सकिन्छ । नुनको मात्रा भने कमै प्रयोग गर्नु उपयुक्त हुन्छ ।३) खाद्य पदार्थलाई राम्रो सँग चपाएर मात्र निल्ने गर्नु पर्छ ।४) खाना दिनको ३/ ४ पल्ट पनि खान सकिन्छ तर एकै पल्ट धेरै खाना खानु हुँदैन ।५) सधैं नियमित रुपले निस्चित मात्रामा खाद्य पदार्थको प्रयोग गर्नु पर्छ ।६) भोकको अनुभुति भई रहेमा अति काम क्यालोरी दिने खाद्य पदार्थहरु जस्तै : गाजर , काँक्रो कागतीको सर्बत आदि प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ ।७) बेलुकाको खाना (डिनर) अलि सबेरै , बेलुकी ७ बजे भित्र खानु उपयुक्त हुन्छ । खाना खाने बित्तिकै सुत्नु हानिकारक हुन्छ ।८) तौल घटाऊनको लागि उचित ब्यायाम पनि खाना जत्तिकै महत्वपूर्ण छ । त्यसकारण बिहान सबेरै हिंड्ने अथवा हलुका ब्यायाम गर्ने बानी बसाल्नु पर्छ ।९) ब्यायाम सकेपछि नियमित स्नान गर्नु पर्छ । यसले शरीरलाई स्वच्छ र फुर्तिलो बनाउछ ।१०) तौल घटाऊछु भन्ने मनमा सन्कल्प लिनु पर्छ । धेरै क्यालोरी दिने खाना खान छोडेको १/२ हप्ता सम्मा छटपटी लाग्ने , निन्द्रा नपर्ने , पेट पोल्ने र मुखमा अमिलो पानी आउने लक्षण देखा पर्न सक्छ त्यसैले आफ्नो आत्मबललाई बलियो बनाउनु पर्छ र यस्ता समस्यालाई पानी प्रसस्त मात्रामा पिएर जित्न सकिन्छ ।


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